What the Fox Really Says

            The Internet sensation “What Does the Fox Say” was released on September 3, 2013 onto YouTube by the musical duo Ylvis. Since that date the odd sounding fox noises have invaded every area of our lives from home, work, and the classroom. Not only does the music entertain, the music video (1) does as well. A grown man dressed as the red furred fox, dancing around combined with computer editing an actual dancing fox is vividly amusing. The fun filled music and video definitely deserves its time in the public’s eye for its clever puns and visual awkwardness. Though, many questions might arise over the intent of the production. One can simply ask, why? Others might be more in depth and ask what kind of chip the musician was shoving into his mouth seductively at seven seconds into the music video? The most obvious question to ask is, what does the fox really say?
One line the musicians use is “the secret of the fox, ancient mystery” (Ylvis, 2013). Though this is humorous, the fox is of little mystery to scientists. The most common fox that humans recognize is the red fox. This fox has been iconic in human history since the Brothers Grimm story “Little Red Riding Hood,” emphasizing the red. The red fox’s actual common information (common facts) will be discussed before moving into the sounds and what they actually say. The scientific name for the red fox is Vulpes vulpes. That is such a clever name scientists, moving on. The fox is a mammal within the family Canidae. This should provide a clue to actually what the fox says because most people own a canine. There are differences between the dog and a fox, though the sounds are similar. The fox is seen dwelling within a forest of the video, which is a good depiction because foxes are quite happy within a forest. They can also live happily on cultivated land due to adapting to the presence of humans. This means they are content to live in cities and suburban neighborhoods to dance to their hearts content. The red fox can be found practically anywhere in the northern hemisphere and Australia. The fox is truly an adaptable animal. As stated by National Geographic (2), “The red fox's resourcefulness has earned it a legendary reputation for intelligence and cunning.”

The red fox is seen as a cuddly creature with a soft bushy tail mimicking a small dog or large cat. Thus, people find the fox a desirable pet. The music video also portrays a fox as a sensitive character that humans can adore. I suggest we adore the fox only at a distance. The red fox is an opportunistic predator with a varying diet that mainly consists of small animals such as rodents. To an adult the fox would likely flee, but if cornered the agility, fierce skill, and teeth will be bared. That is one sound the fox definitely can make, growling. When the fox is threatened or fighting, growling sounds can be heard.  

The fox is actually quite a vocal animal that obviously says many things. Well, if we can put on our fox ears and understand the fox’s language, I’m quite sure he/she would be asking for a steak or which way did the bunny go? Perhaps the fox will ask for what time it is or did you leave the stove on? In all seriousness, the fox has a variety of calls. The following link for fox sounds depicts the calls (3). Here is another link showing a mixture of calls from the fox called voices carry (4). As given in the above links, the fox has numerous types of sounds that he/she could say ranging in varying octaves. I would describe the calls as barks. What they really mean is the secret the fox will forever hold dear. Perhaps through science and studying, humans can guess or put theory to the fox’s different noises. For now I will go with the vixen screams that is most familiar to people. People have awoken to those screams during the night, which is why it is the most common call. I have actually had the opportunity to hear the vixen scream when I was camping. The sound is akin to a dying donkey with a sore throat.

 “What does the Fox Say” is enjoyable to watch, dance, and sing along with. It might be considered silly or extreme, though it honors the inquisitive fox by bringing the fox under the spotlight.  The beautiful red fox has a voice and speaks it proudly. Now we can use the video to teach our children what sounds animals make only with a dub step beat, awkward dancing, and crazy sounds. At least the children would never forget it. The fox certainly will not be forgotten because it is now Internet gold. Instead of asking “what does the fox say,” we might ask “what does the fox feel” about the portrayal of its unique nature in a most entertaining way.


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    November 2013

